Saturday, August 30, 2008

29 Sets In

Thanks to everyone for the cards, emails, phone calls, posts, etc. wishing me a happy birthday. It was happy, indeed. A few friends came over for supper last night, so now my celebration is officially over until next year.
And now, a picture of a mess made by my little trash can raider. (I know the amount of crumbs can't be completely seen in this picture, but trust me, there were a lot.) She took the old raspberry bars that I had just thrown away out of the trash can and was chowing down before I even noticed. Is that interest in trash hereditary I wonder?


Anonymous said...

SO who got number 1 for funniest card??? Brenda and jason couldn't of beat me this TIME!!

Jenny said...

Amy, she is absolutely beautiful, even if she is eating trash off the floor. What a fun age!