Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Day...

I performed my American responsibility this morning and cast my vote at my local polling station. Much to my relief, the building was relatively empty. Of course, it was 10:30 am, the perfect time for stay-at-home moms to head out to the polls. After receiving three "I Voted" stickers, we headed back to the van only to realize that I had left the sliding door open the entire time. At least nothing important was missing, like the pop I bought last night.
Later we met Chris for lunch at Taco Bell, and Kaylee immediately had to go to the bathroom. This really peeves me because it's disgusting in all fast food restaurant bathrooms, and everybody knows it. She proved that she really had to go by taking a very long time to finish, to which she said, "I'm really good at making potty, Mommy." Yes, honey, you are.
Lastly, I heard some sad news today. A guy I worked with before I became a stay-at-home mom committed suicide on Sunday. Tragic. All the cliches are true - he was a nice guy, always smiling, and nobody saw it coming. Please pray for his family. He leaves a 6-year-old daughter behind.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh Amy, so sorry to hear about your co-worker. That is sad. I do want you to know though that I laughed out loud at the leaving the door open. I've done that before. It's more blasted embarrising than anything.