Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We're having a super busy week. Vacation Bible School has a lock on our mornings. The kids are having an awesome time. Lauryn's in great hands in the nursery and seems to be enjoying herself. Kaylee is really having fun in her class of 22 4 & 5 year olds. (How would you like to lead that class?) She's making crafts, singing songs, learning Bible stories and verses, and enjoying playing with her friends. Mommy is having fun too - in the craft department. You probably know that my crafting ability ranks low on the scale, but it's a fun step out of my comfort zone.
I'm also in the process of preparing for a garage sale in a week and a half. Chris thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I am. Hopefully we can make a little extra cash to take on our vacation to Wisconsin.
Tomorrow we're off to visit PaPa and Grandma for a long weekend. Chris can't come because he has to work. He's making a mental to-do list of things he wants to get done while we're gone. They include re-sanding the drywall and repainting the bathroom, patching the drywall holes from the baby gate, and who knows what else. I'm excited to see the progress he can make without two little girls begging Daddy to push them on the swing!
Oh, and did I mention I'm going to see Rascal Flatts on Friday night? It's been too long since I've seen them in concert, and I can't wait. The kids will be in good hands, and I hope they don't wait up for me. I'm going to try and weasel my way on the tour bus.


Brenda Rae said...

i'd like to see you get on that bus!

Chris Totten said...

You make me laugh.

I wish you lived close to me. We would be great friends!

Julie said...

We've been on their bus so many times before it wouldn't even be a big deal - right amy? Those were the days!!!!

I love you and can't wait to JAM with you tomorrow night. We'll just pretend like we are still in college, still single and still kidless. Nothing's changed a bit! (except for now our boys are like mega-millionares with bazillons of records sold and way more fans than we ever thought they'd have when we became the first two).

I owe it all to you girl, you were the first fan and I followed in your footsteps. Just as they say ... what a great ride it's been! Here's to you - Amy Dawn!!!!