Monday, August 25, 2008

Reality Sets In

Man, I love the Olympics. For two weeks once every four years I soak up as much television coverage as is humanly possible. And then it's over. And now I have nothing to do.


Anonymous said...

Yowzer! Amy, remove the nudity! NO, just kidding...don't!!!! :)

I hear ya. I was an Olympic addict this year. Tonight it was back to Nascar live.

Jenny said...

Wow, your not kidding, they could pull his shorts up like four inches and he wouldn't even be close to looking like Urkel. I know, I'm sad that the Olympics are over too. That was the most time me and ERic have spent together in forever, sitting there staring at the tv. are we officially old yet? Did anyone else think the closing ceremonies were kinda strange??

Julie said...

I thought the closing ceremonies were a little weird too...but it WAS in China...if that means anything.

Yes, we ARE officially old but Jenny you should feel the youngest b/c you are now the only one out of me, you, Amy and Christi to have not yet owned a mini van. THAT is when you will feel old. Trust me. Enjoy your car AS LONG AS YOU CAN.

Kim said...

I think the Phelps pic would be better without the medals. What? Did I just write that?