Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Six degrees of separation? Try two.

Want to hear a funny story? I have a friend, Sheila, who is a teacher over in the Czech Republic. We met in college at Grace. A few weeks ago she was in the states visiting, came through Omaha, and had lunch with me, the girls, and another friend. She is now in Baltimore visiting her sister. This past Sunday she and her sister attended church in Baltimore and were invited to lunch at the home of a member of that church. The inviters just happened to be Chris's cousin Kim and her husband Shane! (They figured out the connection while discussing where they had gone to college.) What are the odds? I'd say slim to none. Don't you just love stories that remind us just how small the world really is?


Tales of MEE said...

Hey is that a Brandt in the picture with you? That's so awesome to hear great "connection" stories like this! Hey, I love your hair in this pic, where do you get it cut?

Kim said...

Okay, I'm completely with Michelle. Your hair looks incredible in that picture. One hot mama!

andrea said...

that's a good story. how's sheila?? i miss that girl, i do. and how are you guys? good to see you, amy!