Friday, November 16, 2007

Are you ready to Go Fish?

If you have children and you haven't discovered Go Fish yet, it's high time you did. They are three Christian guys who sing great music for kids. Kaylee is easily their #1 fan. Lauryn is well on her way too. I'm pretty sure her first word will be "Og." That's what Kaylee calls them - Og (short for Ogre) - which is Chris's affectionate nickname for his friend Jason, a member of the group. He's the one on the right. Anyway, yesterday I captured a moment on video that has, up until now, been merely attempted. Just when you think you're gonna get it, Kaylee sees the camera and is more interested in looking at herself in it than creating the next Go Fish music video. But here it is, the world premier of "Doo doo-n doo dah." Well, that's what we call it anyway. If you want to know the real words, buy the CD.


Brenda Rae said...

Does she have clothes??? Very cute! I can relate to the camera and looking at it - Drew does the same thing!

Christi said...

LOVE IT! Josiah thought it was live, so he was going "hi Kaylee" the whole time! She is adorable! Miss you